Goose fat or Beef Dripping?

The sales of beef dripping and goose fat rises dramatically in December as the demand for traditional roasties explodes.

  • Beef Dripping is a natural beef fat with no additives or preservatives.
  • Beef Dripping comes from roasting beef bones at high temperatures or cooking fatty beef.
  • It is how our ancestors would have cooked, until the production of refined vegetable and corn oils hit the shelves in commercial supermarkets decades ago.
  • Goosse fat is the fat from cooking and roasting goose, which would be substanially more fatty than chicken or turkey
  • Goose fat would have a more distinct taste..

Spear and Arrow Beef Dripping is produced from roasting our beef bones prior to simmering. We would call this a bi-product of our cooking process

“Goose fat faces competition, however, with Heston Blumenthal last month reported to have said he prefers beef dripping for making roast potatoes.”

The Daily Mail

Why dripping and lard may be the healthy option – Is dripping good for you? (

Benefits of Beef Dripping

Its 100% natural

It has good fats

You know where it comes from

It is recommended as part of the KETO diet

How to make perfect roasties

It makes amazing crispy roast potatoes with no taste of fat or goose

Wash and peel and cut int halves/quarters robust potatoes like Kind Edwards or Roosters.

Power boil the potatoes with a sprinkle of added sea salt for 10 mins.

Heat oven 200 degrees and add about 50g of beef dripping.

Drain the potatoes and shake well back in pot and replace on heat to dry for a minute shaking continuously until fluffy.

Tip the dry potatoes into the hot and now melted beef dripping and shake around a little to cover in fat.

Roast in oven for 30 -40 mins shaking the pan several times to toss the potatoes.

To jazz up the flavour of your roasties more add sprigs of rosemary and garlic cloves to the beef dripping.

Remove from oven and dry in a paper towel and serve.


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“At Spear and Arrow we are committed to Innovation and bring natural remedies to our customers, we will endeavour to source potent ingredients from around the world in order to give our customers the best health benefits”

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