What is Leaky Gut?
“Leaky Gut is a digestive condition which affects the lining of the intestines”
medical news today
Myth or Real?
In Greek Medicine doctors believed that many illnesses people had started in the Gut referred to in Ancient Greek as the Hypochondrium the area between the breast bone and the naval. However modern medicine rejected this and used the Ancient Greek word to become Hypchondriac which described a patient who had a persistent and fear of being ill and still many Doctors do not recognise Leaky Gut as an illness.
What Doctors do agree on is that increased intestinal absorption plays a role in certain gastrointestinal conditions such as Celiac disease, Crohn disease and irritable bowel syndrome, however they still have not reaffirmed many health practioners claims that gut inflammation causes autoimmune diseases such as Lupus, Diabetes, MS, Chronic fatigue, Fibromyalgia, acne and allergies.
However there is more research being conducted around the world on gut health and perhaps many medics will have to eat humble pie when the new research concludes what out ancestors have been saying for many years that the gut plays a significant role in our overall well being,
How do we get a leaky gut?
We all suffer from a leaky gut at some stage in life as although the gut lining is a barrier there to protect us it is not completely impossible for it to leak and some people may have a genetic disposition which leads to sensitivities. However the modern western diet has most likely a lot to answer for, being low in fibre, high in sugar and saturated fats, with alcohol and stress also contributing.
Candida is a yeast which grows in our guts giving them the perfect conditions will allow them to multiply which then causes chaos in the gut.
Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) is a condition caused by multiplying bacteria in the intestines which creates gas and inflammation in the gut.
Parasites come in many different forms within the gut, however if given the right conditions they will multiply and soak up all the nutrients you take into your body leaving you susceptible to many ailments due to lack of the goodness of their nutrients.
How to heal a Leaky Gut?
Spear and Arrow Bone broth provides nutrients like gelatin and key amino acids that support the rapidly growing cells in the gut helping soothe inflammation.
Anti-microbial herbs such as oregano oil and peppermint oil in the broth to help reduce the microbial load in the gut. Fresh ginger is also beneficial for the Gut that’s why Spear and Arrow use it when making their Botanical Bone Broth.
Drinking water with raw apple cider vinegar helps reduce microbial counts. This is added to Spear and Arrow Bone Broth when cooking as well as the many health benefits it also helps break down the bones to release the collagen and gelatine.
Eating foods which have anti inflammatory properties such as
Grass Fed meat – this is how we make our broth
Lemons, limes and Berries,
Avocado and Avocado oil
Turmeric – included in Spear and Arrow Bone Broth with Botanicals
Herbs such as Rosemary, Oregano, Sage
Fermented Vegetables
How Spear and Arrow Bone Broth is helping customers
“Taking Spear and Arrow Bone Broth everyday has helped my IBS”
“It has healed my Colitis”
“I have not had relief like this in years”
“I have noticed a huge difference in my bowels since taking Spear and Arrow Bone Broth”